
So Excited....

...for this weekend! Zach has Saturday ANNNNND Sunday off! So many idea's of what we could do are swirling around my head right now.... I'm going to soak this weekend up because I'm pretty sure we're not going to get another one for a looong time.
Visions of garage saling, swimming in newly found local lakes, Hobby Lobbying, and spray painting are all on my horizon.... we'll see what actually happens. But it'll be a blast no matter what, he's home!
I leave you with a random picture of how I found Aubrey the other day during her nap, love her.


Life With Lucy said...

Thanks so much for your sweet comment and sharing about your cross-cultural living experience! Its definitely not something everyone "gets," so I love hearing about other people's experiences.Your new house is coming together slowly but surely... I know that feeling of longing for the day that everything has its place. I hope you guys have a great weekend together!

Amy said...

So yay for Zach being home this weekend. Enjoy your time with your family. And was she passed out on the floor? Did she roll off the her bed? Lol too funny. And my favorite is that if indeed she was sleeping like that.... You didn't pick her up and put her safely back tucked into her bed.... No no you ran for your camera..... Lol hehehe that is awesome.

Amy said...

So yay for Zach being home this weekend. Enjoy your time with your family. And was she passed out on the floor? Did she roll off the her bed? Lol too funny. And my favorite is that if indeed she was sleeping like that.... You didn't pick her up and put her safely back tucked into her bed.... No no you ran for your camera..... Lol hehehe that is awesome.

Amy said...

Ummm not sure why that commented twice the same thing.. Sorry.

Astrid said...

I.love.her. And the doll house. Not equally, but close.