The shot of Aubrey with the Stethoscope is when she is 4 weeks old and every other shot is when she is five weeks and up. I'll try and update more often now... easier said then done:) Anyway, she's doing great and growing like a weed! More updates to come...
Hehe...she is so little and teeny tiny and she still looks the same. What a cutie. Love the poop shot with Zach. Oh those are the days.... Poop explosions.....soon to come again for you. (lucky you)
oh how fun. she is a sweetie. looks like you two are having alot of fun with her.
Hehe...she is so little and teeny tiny and she still looks the same. What a cutie. Love the poop shot with Zach. Oh those are the days.... Poop explosions.....soon to come again for you. (lucky you)
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