
Not the hero I thought I was

Today I really learned how useful I am. I decided to clean out the cockroach poo from under the bathroom sink and once I got started I kept finding more and more poo...and eggs. Well actually, not eggs, cases-did you know that cockroaches lay eggs in cases? And each case contains who knows how many eggs... Well, I now know this and that is why they can reproduce at such alarming rates! Anyway like I said, once I started I kept finding more so I took out one of the drawers and I found the mama. Sitting there laying another "case", too stunned to move. Remember in the last post when I said that cockroach was the biggest I had ever seen, well I was wrong, this was it. Well, naturally I lost it and called for Zach to get the bug spray. I pulled out the rest of the drawers and Zach killed the roach while I was cowering in the bedroom calling him to see if it was dead yet. Some big help I am. Anyway, we (and by we I mean Zach) killed the mom and most of the babies but that, I guess, is just for now. Well, see how long that lasts...

1 comment:

Kimberley said...

EEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! That's nasty! Shasta-mcnasty!! Thank the Lord for Husbands, hey?