
Cleaning....ummmm, no thanks.

So I'm sitting here during Aubrey's nap, staring at four laundry(heaping, might I add) baskets of clothes that need folding, dusty...well...everything, floors that need vacuuming/washing and dishes in the sink and I have absolutely ZERO desire to do any of it! Why is it that when you have the most to do you have the least desire to do any of it? I decided that at this moment it was crucial that I do a blog entry even though I have nothing really to write about. Well, that's procrastination at it's finest, isn't it?!
It's raining outside, the kind of rain we normally get on the west coast and our wonderful (please note the sarcasm), generally forgetful, landlord decided that the leaks in our house(five of them in various places) are not something that he needs to come back and fix. So I sit amidst buckets, tupperware and pretty much anything that I can find to catch the drips. Did I mention that we live in a multi-family home and we have the MIDDLE apartment?!? How are there leaks you ask? Well, the place above us is vacant and given the super construction of this home and the quality roof fix(that was apparently "just fixed"), we are getting second hand leaks from the upstairs. I don't even what to know what it looks like up there. They joys of living in a place with "charm";) But to be honest, we shouldn't complain because a lot of other people in this area have homes under water or are with out power.
Zach doing another crazy rotation, commuting to Queens this time and well, that means he's MIA during the week. Just me and the Aub-meist.... it's fun, but draining at the same time. It's hard when Zach gets home at 8, on a good night, and he's tired and not pleased that he hasn't seen her and I'm tired from being at home all day....with no car either! It's just taking some adjusting(we have 6 more weeks of it). Luckily, before this random monsoon season set in, we had some amazing weather. Aubrey and I and our friends downstairs went out for walks and wanderings almost every day. Spring is here and I'm so pleased! This is the time of year when not having a second car doesn't bother me because we live a half hour walk from Montclair center. Did I mention that Montclair has an Anthropologie and an Urban Outfitters?!? Enough said!
I guess that will be all of my ramblings for now. I'll leave you with some shots of my helper that I'm thinking of enlisting after she gets up from her nap.....


Jenna said...

Aubrey is seriously too cute! And I had to laugh when I read the part about staring at the mounds of laundry that need folding. I have a heaping mound staring at me right now...

Sean and Kristin said...

Two posts in two weeks!? Love it!!! And love the shots of Aubrey, that is too funny!!

Kimberley said...

aww Aubs is so cute & man, she's getting so big too! Full mouth of teeth...she's changing so fast. Definitely getting cuter by the day though. I hope you're enjoying this stage before she moves on to the next one. Thanks for the "urgent" post. I agree, blogging can be crucially important when there is way too much cleaning to do. :o) yet alas, it does feel good when you can sit down and enjoy a clean home. meh...that can wait! love ya!
p.s. the book i was talking about on my blog releases in May. Man its a good-er!