So we had our first professional family photo shoot...ever
(well, since our wedding, but Aubrey was not present then...)!
Crazy right?!? I feel like a bit of a failure as a parent.
Apparently we are the only family who doesn't get pro shots done ever three months...oops.
A shoot every 2 1/2 years will have to do:)
Well, we figured that it was high-time to have it done.
And with our good friend being a wonderful...amazing...fantastic....brilliant photographer,
AND it being the most fabulous time of year, Fall
(Let's hear it for Fall!!!)
all pieces fell into place!
You can have a look over at her blog....
They turned out AMAZING!
And if you live in the NJ area...
the Tri-State area.... heck, the East Coast,
you have to get her, she will not disappoint!
I promise.
I'm her number one fan(can you tell??), I was before,
but it has been solidified since the shoot.
So, to sum up;
Photographer Amy--AMAZING
Have her take your picture--YES!
The End.